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How Tnue’s Controlled Release Membrane (CRM) nutrient use efficiency technology works

Maximise The Performance of Your Nitrogen

Tnue control release membrane (CRM) technology uses a flexible, membrane to encapsulate an N granule. The membrane shields the N from loss mechanisms, releasing it when the plant needs it most.


The membrane tailored for New Zealand conditions releases N based on the two requirements for plant growth: moisture and temperature. Moisture creates an N solution inside the membrane, and the solution moves through the membrane at a rate based on soil temperature. The movement and rate match the N demand of the growing plant. Tnue Smartfert® delivers superior performance with release control across temperature and moisture variations.

How Tnue CRM Works.png

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Model of Action
Tnue CRM Model

Tnue CRM Technology Controlled Release Benefits

Wet Conditions:

Resilient to heavy rail fall events reducing leaching.

Dry Conditions:

Nitrogen (N) is conserved until enough moisture is available.

Autumn Application:

Delays release on cold or frozen soil.

Wider application window:

Tnue Smartfert® provides a wider application window in both the spring and the autumn, allowing you to apply fertiliser on your schedule and better manage your kg N per ha.


Convenient to use and saves time:

Tnue Smartfert® is requires less frequent applications giving you time back to attend to other important task in a time poor day. Tnue CRM technology is a smarter way to grow.


Environmentally responsible:

Tnue Smartfert® reduces N loss, providing benefits to the environment.

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